This research is focused to estimate and distinguish oil palm stands age based on crown/canopy density obtained using forest canopy density (FCD) model derived from four indices as follows, advance…
High performance computing in remote sensing is one of the first volume to explore state of the aert HPC techniques in the context of remote sensing problrm. It focuses on the computational compexi…
This book maximizes reader insights into the field of mathematical models and methods for the processing of two-dimensional remote sensing images. It presents a broad analysis of the field, encompa…
Bio-optical modelling and remote sensing of inland waters presents the latest developments, state-of-the-art, and future perspectives of bio-optical modelling for each optically active constituent …
Laporan penelitian ini merupakan kajian awal dari penelitian akurasi citra penginderaan jauh dengan pendekatan multiresolusi. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk membandingkan akurasi hasil interpretasi p…