The Project comprises a feasibility study and the preparation of a detailed report. The team will visit the major regional areas in Indonesia examining the cadastral infrastructure. This will inclu…
The Contens of this report is the first phase of the task, namely the specification and design of Indonesia photo map 1:50.000, the material needed for production and how to produce it. Second phas…
This report consists of general background; the navy navigational satellite system (NNSS); Modes of positioning; Observing procedures; Technical specifications of the equipment used; Data processin…
Report of the intergovernmental meeting on remote sensing and satellite surveying consits of organization of the session; recent international developments in the field of resource satellites; Late…
The Document consists of background and supporting information; goverment follow-up; Present capacity of photogrammetric instruments; New development in photogrammetric produduction; Type of instru…
This paper reviews the fundamentals of control networks which form the mathematical frameworks to which subsequent mapping is related. The present situation of the existing networks in Indonesia wi…
Geoid di Indonesia sudah di tentukan oleh Kahar (1981a) berdasar kombinasi geoid gravimetrik marsh & Chang (1976)dengan geoid altimetrik di laut yang ditentukan dari data satelit altimeter GEOS-3 (…
Proceeding seminar gayaberat nasional ini berisikan tentang Sambutan/Laporan ketua panitia;Sambutan ketua bakosurtanal;Laporan hasil seminar;dan makalah-makalah dari peserta.
Dari judulnya terlihat bahwa riset ini terbatas pada masalah penggambaran contours (garis-garis ketinggian) dari data yang diperoleh melalui airbone radar survey. Sebagaimana diketahui, konsep peme…