Laporan partisipasi 24th International Geographical Congress dan 15th IGU General Assembly Tokyo, Japan ini berisikan tentang Pendahulua; Section 7 urban geography; Section 10 regional geography, g…
Tanda Tinggi Geodesi (bench mark) adalah suatu tanda tetap yang tingginya diketahui. Tanda Tinggi Geodesi bertujuan sebagai titik kontrol untuk pengukuran tinggi dari tingkatan yang lebih rendah da…
Laporan united nations regional cartographic conference for Asia and the Pacific ke-9 ini berisikan tentang :Laporan ketua delegasi Republik Indonesia; Opening address; Statement of the executive s…
A Proposed technical assistance for the Institute photogrammetry and cartography (IPC) consists of background information; Follow-up Institute for photogrammetry and cartography-IPC; Expatriate sup…
Republic of Indonesia National Coordination agency for survey and Mapping invitation to Bid No.:IBRD-100/NRSM/77 consit of Preparation of bids; Submission of bids; Withdrawal of bids; Late bids; Wo…
A lost of gravity data have been collected throught Indonesia since the famous vening meinesz expedition in the 20's but neiter have these data been complied in one organization nor in a uniforms s…
Untuk memungkinkan pembangunan wilayah secara terpadu yang didasarkan pada potensi sumber alam (bahkan potensi segenap sumberdaya) dan daya dukung lingkungan, perlu usaha penyediaan informasi yang …
The Project comprises a feasibility study and the preparation of a detailed report. The team will visit the major regional areas in Indonesia examining the cadastral infrastructure. This will inclu…