In the past Twenty years, photogrammetry has been used intensively for cadastral surveys in such industriallised countries as, for instance, Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands. In the former …
Dokumen ini berisikan hasil rapat Joint Technical Sub-Committee Meeting on Border Survey and Demarcation (JTSC) yang diadakan di Madang dari tanggal 7-11 Mei 1984 Delegasi Indonesia diwakili oleh J…
Dokumen ini bersisikan tentang hasil pertemuan Sub-Panitia teknis bersama survei dan penegasan garis batas RI-PNG di Merauke tanggal 19-21 April 1983.
This Paper describes the present status of the Indonesian geodetic networks, its surveys progress and adjusment problems. An idea toward a unified geodetic system has been developed by establishing…
In Indonesia, particularly on the island of Jawa, there are numerous local level nets, most of them are linked to sea level via tide gauge observations. Some local system are related to a mean year…
Indonesia has started the implementation of a systematic mapping programme of the country to provide base maps at scale of 1:50.000 for the inventory and evaluation of her vast natural as well as h…
Land resources evaluation is meant in this report as to include the appraisal of land with its spatial dimension (or size and form) as well as its capacity as resources for development. This evalua…
Having considered resolution no.8 of the XV General Assembly of ICSU concerning the right to free movement of scientists to attend meetings arranged by International Scientific Unions and other ICS…
A national study group has been formed wit the task to study the existing regulations, data collection and decision making process concerning geographical names and finaly to propose the compositio…
Tulisan ini merupakan pandangan obyektif-profesional, selain untuk peningkatan efektifitas dan efisiensi penyelengaraan fungsi-fungsi tersebut oleh instansi yang bersangkutan juga ditujukan kepada …