In the meeeting of the Sub Commission for Asia and the Pacific of Commission X (Continental Net Works) of the International Association of Geodesy held in Bandung in 1977 the idea the Pacific was b…
Some notes on the Boundary expedition relating to the delimination of the Boundary between the States in the Island of Borneo which are under British protection and the Netherland possessions in th…
Dokumen ini berisikan tentang Surat Keputusan Ketua BAKOSURTANAL tentang Sistem Anotasi Foto Udara yang terdiri dari: Bab I. Identifikasi Bab II. Masalah Anotasi Bab III. Cara Penulisan Anotasi Bab…
This paper is an interm report of the pilot project which is carried out as part of the National Program for the inventory and evaluation of the Country's Natural Resources (Pranoto Asmoro, 1978).
In Cooperation with the International Institute for aerial survey and earth sciences (ITC), Enschede, the Netherlands, the computer programmes as developed by Prof.DR.Ing.F. Ackermann of the Photog…
Catatan ini berisikan tentang tujuan survei dan pemetaan; pentahapan; penentuan sistim survey terpadu; program penginderaan jauh; dan pembiayaan.
In this period the main ativities of the National Resources Survey and Mapping Project have been dedicated to the following: a. Construction of the laboratory building B. Design and development of …
Keputusan Presiden RI Nomor 83 Tahun1969 tentang tugas pokok dari BAKOSURTANAL adalah Membina Perbendaharaan daripada data-data dasar perpetaan wilayah Nasional. Salah satu tugas Bakosurtanal dalam…
Program ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh infomasi mengenai sumberdaya alam kita. Adapun informasi tersebut diperlukan bagi penyusunan kebijakan serta perencanaan pemanfaatan dan pengamanan sumberdaya…
Kajian neraca dan valuasi ekonomi sumberdaya terumbu karang perlu dilaksanakan mengingat potensi sumberdaya terumbu karang nasional yang semakin terdegradasi sejalan dengan pesatnya pembangunan sos…