Melalui buku ini, Gusti Muhammad Hatta ingin menyampaikan yang sebenarnya terjadi sejak pertama kali ia menerima telpon dari istana.Perjalanannya yang serba mendadak meneju cikeas , rumor dan pergu…
There is no country on earth that might have a grater need than Indonesia to be concered space and resources. For centuries at a the international trade, with geostrategis located at the epicenter …
The ideas in this have you rn
Pendaftaran disini dimaksudkan sebagai Pendaftaran Sebagai Pendaftaran Tanah menurut Peraturan Pemerintah No. 10 tahun 1961, yang merupakan Peraturan Pelaksanaan dari UUPA. Peraturan Pelaksanaana y…
The book contents are ordered in a conventional way. The first chapterintroduces the sudent to some basic principles of economics geography that are used in the following chapters, and attempts to …
This report is an educational exercise and the results as expressed in here try to provide a basisc for the formulation of alternatives for Spatial Land Use Planning as part of the total Land Use…