Agreed record of discussion of the 7th joint technical sub-committee meeting on survey and demarcation of the boundary and mapping of the border areas between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, Cibinong, Bogor June 29- July 1, 1987 (Dok.07/1991)
The Meeting commenced at 9.00 am on the 29th of June 1987 and was chaired by Prof. Jacub Rais, the head of the Indonesian Delegation. Members of the delegations from Indonesia and Papua New Guinea are attached as annex A and annex B, respectively. The following agenda has been agreed upon by the head of both delegation: 1. Opening; 2. Matters arising out of the (a) 6th joint technical sub-commitee meeting at aovo Island; (b) 5th joint border committee meeting at Bandung. 3. Surveys reports (a) 1986 field survey; (b) 1986 aerial survey; 4. Aerial photography project (a) checking procedure; (b) Aerial triangulation; (c)Result of aerial photography (if it has been taken); 5. MAp production (a) Finalization of border map specification; (b) M
DK.1991-07 | Dokumen 1991/07 BAD a | Tersedia |
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