Masih banyak umat islam yang baru memahami Islam di kulit-kulitnya saja. Jangankan tentang isu-isu yang berat seperti jihad atau khilafah, isu tentang halal atau sholat saja masih banyak misperseps…
Based on the reconstruction of the tsunami flow on the coastal plains in the coastal lowlands of Tohoku Region. Following characteristics were made clear.(1) run up tsunami flows generally indicate…
This study aims to 1)know the position society a landslide disaster mitigation based on educational perspectives in the study area, 2)know the process a landslide disaster mitigation based on seduc…
The objective of this reseach was to analyze landslide vulnerability class in Pekunchen sub-district, Banyumas district. This area is considered one of the sub-district which are vulnerable to land…
Gazetteers are list of geographical name