Kajian serta analisis terhadap berbagai dinamika di bidang perikanan dan kelautan ini memerlukan pendekatan yang terintegrasi. Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG) merupakan sebuah sistem komputer yang …
Contiuning the tradition of the best-selling getting to know series, getting to know ArcGIS Pro 2.6 teaches new and existing GIS users how to get started solving problem y visualizing, querying, cr…
Remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) have been recognized to be very useful and significantly contributed to environment management during the last decades, especially for disast…
Kecamatan Srandakan, Kabupaten BAntul merupakan daerah pesisir yang sudah memulai berusaha dalam sektor budidaya tambak udang. Untuk mempertahankan tingkat produksi dan memastikan pengembangan usah…
This book presents a novel computation of the topographic LS factor of the USLE model to estimate spatial soil erosion. In developing countries, soil erosion is one of the main concerns as it adver…
Buku ini merupakan buku hasil pemikiran dan uiji coba serta praktik lapangan selama mendalami Sistem Informasi Geografis. Diawali dengan kebutuhan akan aplikasi open source pada kementerian sekreta…
This book brings together contributions from researchers, GIS profesional and game designer to provide a firts overview of this highly interdisciplinary field. Its scope ranges from fundamentals ab…
A comprehensive up-to-date workbook built for both the classroom and profesionals looking to build their skills. Designed to take advantage of the latest QGIS features, this book will guide you in…
This book gives a comprehensive overview of all relevant elements in topography and their practical aapplication. It elaborates on the classical representation of terrain on map such as cartograpic…
Geospatial analysis is used in almost every domain you can think of, including defense, farming, and even medice. Eith this systematic guide, you will get started with geographic information system…